
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Looking forward

So I have been thinking.  2013 not such a great year.  I intend to make 2014 a better one, and to finally get blogging so this time next year I can look back on what has happened and think 'that was fun!'  I am not really expecting anyone to read this.  It may not be that exciting.  But I want to create some happy memories this year, and I will have needed to do stuff to be able to blog about it so hopefully this will spur me on.  One or two little new year's resolutions:

1.  I'll start with the big one that I am calling the 'Money Diet'.  I spend waaaaaaay too much money that I don't really have.  So I thought this year I would really cut back and not spend anything.  With a few exceptions (come on Rome wasn't built in a day!) such as food (obviously) magazines (although I intend to cut down as this has to be my main expenditure) and also McBusted merchandise when I see them in April (sooooooooooooooooooooo excited!)  Hopefully this should mean that come Christmas 2014 I will actually have some money.

2.  Become a gardener.  Both my girlies love being outside, and so this year I am going to make an effort in the garden and try and grow our own vegetables.  I have tried this before but I have a short attention span so it didn't really work.  Must try harder.

3.  Cook from scratch more.  I am actually not too bad at this but I have recently hit 30 and I live in terror of the middle age spread, plus I think that the girlies need to have a better diet than they do.

4.  More family time.  I may one day write a post simply for self exploration about why I don't feel I spend enough time with my family (or to give it another name I spend my life tidying and sorting and I have realised that this is not normal).  Hopefully the money diet will mean I have some spare cash to take us out to places, although I intend to make the most of what is on offer for free.

I think that is it - I don't need too many or I will fail and that is NOT GOOD.

Oh, one more thing I shall write about are my crafty projects - I shall be trying my hardest to finish what I have started so far before starting anything else.  We shall see as I have been known to be a bit excitable.

Well, new year then tomorrow.  I have just turned 30, I finally have a job, my girlies are now settled in a good school and my husband has just had a (smallish but better than a kick in the teeth) pay rise.  So technically life should now be good.  Bring it on 2014!  

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